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9h - 16h
28 rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris - Amphithéâtre
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Ajouter au Calendrier 11/14/2024 09:00 11/14/2024 16:00 Europe/Paris Common Market Law Review - Rencontre avec de jeunes chercheurs 28 rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris - Amphithéâtre false MM/DD/YYYY

Le Centre de droit européen est heureux d’accueillir à l’Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas le prochain atelier de la Common Market Law Review, sous l’autorité du professeur Anastasia ILIOPOULOU-PENOT, le 14 novembre prochain dans les locaux du 28 rue Saint-Guillaume (Amphithéâtre).

The Common Market Law Review Editors Meet Young Researchers

9.00 Welcome/kick-off of the workshop Anastasia Iliopoulou-Penot, Professor of EU Law

Morning session (9.05-13.00)

Protection of Fundamental Rights

  • Yann Lorans, The Collaborative Relationship between the ECJ and the EU Legislature in the Protection of Fundamental Rights.
  • Alexandra Hrdlickova, Beyond Conflict: Mutual Trust as a Tool for the Protection of Fundamental Rights ?

European Digital Constitution

  • Sybille Pouillaude, Empowering Minorities by Safeguarding Their Intimate Privacy: Unveiling the Role of the Right to be Forgotten in the Digital Age
  • Carla Albanese and Félicie Remlinger, Who's the Judge of Online Public Debate?

Coffee Break : 11.15-11.45

EU Citizenship

  • Quitterie Rocca-Serra and Mathieu Rouy, Towards an Axiological Delimitation of the Scope of EU Law? An Analysis from the Standpoint of EU Citizenship
  • Adèle Kauffmann, Swinging Around EU Citizenship: the Example of the Commodification of Nationalities

Lunch break (Room Berthold-Goldman) : 13.00-14.30

Afternoon session (14.30-16.00)

EU Policies

  • Salomé Cohen, The Revised Excessive Deficit Procedure: New Budgetary Constraints for Member States? Lorenzo Dello Iacovo Advancing Integration With Limited Competences: Possible Ways Forward for EU Higher Education?
  • Rafail Zorzos, An Ethical Judgement : The Operation of the Ilva steelworks must be suspended if it poses serious threats to the environment and human health. Case C-626/22, Judgment of 25 June 2024

Les travaux sont ouverts au public sur inscription :

Plan d'accès

28 rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris - Amphithéâtre